About Robert Kraynak

Dr. Kraynak is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Freedom & Western Civilization at Colgate University. He teaches courses on American political thought, the history of Western political philosophy, natural law, religion and politics, and conservative political thought. His books include History and Modernity in the Thought of Thomas Hobbes, Christian Faith and Modern Democracy, and In Defense of Human Dignity.

The Natural Law Jurisprudence of Russell Hittinger

By |2019-11-12T15:26:15-06:00March 24th, 2017|Categories: Constitution, Featured, Justice, Rule of Law|

Natural law jurisprudence seems to be our only salvation—the only way to re-establish the proper hierarchy of laws, the only way to put the prudence back in American jurisprudence… The First Grace: Rediscovering the Natural Law in a Post-Christian World, by Russell Hittinger (ISI Books, 2002) As a professor of political science, I am often [...]

The Burkean Tradition of Strauss and Voegelin

By |2016-02-22T08:37:44-06:00January 12th, 2016|Categories: Conservatism, Edmund Burke, Eric Voegelin, Featured, History, Leo Strauss, Philosophy|

Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin were scholars in the field of political philosophy, yet they did not have an explicit political teaching. They studied the great political philosophers of the past in order to learn lessons that might become living truths for us today. But Strauss and Voegelin did not write political treatises defending a [...]

Conservatism as the Highest Form of Modernism

By |2019-09-05T14:37:53-05:00February 6th, 2013|Categories: Books, Conservatism, Roger Scruton|Tags: |

Arguments for Conservatism: A Political Philosophy by Roger Scruton. Conservatives always need to be on the look-out for new arguments to defend their positions, despite their conviction that there is “nothing new under the sun.” They may wish to live unreflectively by following the customs of their ancestors, but circumstances require that they also be vigilant [...]

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