Faith and Marriage Under Attack

By |2017-06-05T12:35:06-05:00February 7th, 2013|Categories: Books, Christianity, Communio, Culture, David L. Schindler, Economics, Featured, Marriage, Political Economy, Stratford Caldecott|

On both sides of the Atlantic, we are witnessing a concerted attack on Christianity and on the institution that the Church deems the fundamental cell of society, namely the family founded on the marriage of a man and a woman. In the US, Archbishop Chaput and other bishops have reacted strongly to the “contraception mandate”–the plans of the [...]

History of States’ Rights, 1774-1817

By |2022-01-06T22:47:12-06:00February 7th, 2013|Categories: American Founding, American Republic, Bradley J. Birzer, Charles Carroll, Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Featured, Federalist Papers, Forrest McDonald|

Americans, as brothers and descendants of Englishmen, were entitled to the rights inherited from the English through the development of Anglo-Saxon common law and through the several political battles. On the eve of the American Revolution, most American thinkers had embraced the idea of all rights (and, therefore, sovereignty) being inherited.[1] Americans, as brothers and [...]

A Player Piano for the Twenty-First Century

By |2014-01-04T20:26:20-06:00February 7th, 2013|Categories: Books, Culture, Kurt Vonnegut|Tags: , |

Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. I have long resisted reading Kurt Vonnegut. In this life of finite time and seemingly infinite and ever expanding good things to read, his biography or writing just did not seem enough to clear the bar to justify pushing some other unread book aside. I am very glad, however, that [...]

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