132-forbes-americas-best-collegesReaders of The Imaginative Conservative might be interested in a few pieces floating around the internet this morning.

Jim Otteson offers—rather naturally—an excellent critique of the new college rankings as decreed by Forbes. His article can be found at Pileus.

134-viking_waxeThe New York Times has a fascinating piece on Danish “austerity” measures. The Danish government has just decided to cut unemployment benefits from four years to two years. What would their Viking ancestors have said about this?

Oh, what a 1,000 years can do to a people.

136-elements_smFinally, for those of us writing/blogging on our iPads, this program—Second Gear’s Elements—looks quite good. Macworld has a solid review of it here.

Back to listening to some old (1973) Genesis and preparation for fall classes . . . .

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